Wednesday, August 8, 2012

I can laugh at a swans's hiccup

At times I might laugh at a swan's hiccup...
Ok! Today I made a pack. I will just type the first thing I find in one of my note books. There is usually some sort of a poem I have in one form or another in back of my note books!
Notebook#1 ! Oops! Nothing, Nada, Zeech! (These are by the way the expressions I use with my students to emphasis the value of zero!) to my surprise there was only private Gibberish!
Maybe note book #2 is the charm? It has to be  Yes there are somethings that looks like a poem or a poem want to be. So here we go: (pictures byValadimr Kush and poem by me)

In my road of desire
Paintings: V ladimir Kush
I might have been water

In front of a duck
I tasted the sun
At times I might laugh 
at a swan's hiccup
or cherish a Stork's sneeze!


Moon can't cover the width of my wants
Since I love the ocean
being a stranger in my own town
makes me cry


Many of times
I have traveled unpaved roads
and adored the night

In it's vastness

one can play hide and .........


I love hiding behind a tree
I understand sitting 
quietly screaming in a corner
crying in peace

I raised a flower so deep
it lost it's petals
one by one

My thoughts grew 
developed, took shape
then vanished

What I loved most
became a stranger
and died tomorrow!

Some one who looked like a ghost said:
"You! So lovely!
in you exists the new breath
You shall be mine"
that made me laugh

In God's longest night
I gave the fire dance
for the moon and butterfly

"belonging to..."
That made me cry!
P. sometime last year.....

Copyright © 2012 Parissa Khosh
  I know that I will have no time to post my poems once school starts but I'll try to randomly post them here.:)

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Welcome to my blog.
It will be an interesting Journey knowing I will be writing. I am flying, nope swimming in the ocean.
Welcome on this ride!